Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy

Gary Realty & Auction ( Privacy Policy

Gary Realty & Auction knows that protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is of the utmost importance.  This Privacy Policy explains what personal information is collected from its customers and how it is used. This Privacy Policy applies to personal information such as name, address, phone number, e-mail address collected by Gary Auction on its website.

Be aware that our website may contain links to other websites provided and maintained exclusively by third parties not subject to this Privacy Policy. Please review the privacy policies on any external websites to determine their information handling practices.

Gary Auction will never sell your information, nor will we make it available to a third party unless there is a request from a law enforcement agency.

What personal information we collect, and why?

Gary Auction collects personal information for specific, limited purposes. Information is collected by fair and lawful means.  We collect personal contact information (for example, name, address, email address and telephone numbers) if you: sign up or register for an online forum or website, or purchase any product from Gary Auction as an auction participant. This information is used to fulfill your request, and respond to your inquiries.

We may also use demographic and personal contact information to contact you about changes, enhancements or other notices related to our services.

We generally use your personal information for the purposes of: managing, administering, reporting, collecting or otherwise enforcing accounts; maintaining business records for reasonable periods of time and generally managing and administering our business; and meeting regulatory, legal, insurance, audit, security and processing requirements. Certain information, your email address for example, is collected solely for identification and contact purposes on our part. Records are only kept for as long as required by law or as long as they are required for information purposes, whichever is longer.


Gary Auction maintains personal information in a combination of paper and electronic files. We take every measure possible to protect your personal information.

Our website has no application that gathers information from your computer without your consent.

Please be aware that email is not a secure medium, and any personal information you send to us by email could be intercepted. If your communication is very sensitive, you should not send it electronically unless the email is encrypted or your browser indicates that the access to our website is secure.